#129. 英文檢測:聽眾 Nick(發音、Speaking 練習)

我問 Nick 的三個問題



How long have you lived in Taiwan?

*記得,時間長度用 long, 不是用 “time”。時態用現在完成式(have + 過去分詞)have you lived,表示從過去持續到現在。








How long did you live in Taiwan?

用簡單過去式 did you live,因為這是過去的事情,結束在過去。

回答:I lived in Taiwan for three years.


My friend had a job interview last week, but he didn’t get the job. He was late to the interview, he wore dirty jeans and was rude. What do you think he should’ve done differently?

關鍵句型 Should have…

-I should have studied harder when I was a student.

-I should have told my teacher the truth.

-You should have told me the boss was standing behind me.

Should have 才能表示「當初應該」如果少了 have,就沒有「過去」的感覺。

-I should study harder.(我從今天起應該更努力讀書)

-I should tell my teacher the truth. (我應該跟老師講實話)


把上面三個 should have 和 兩個 should 句型背起來,然後自己模仿造一個 should have 句子,如果想要,你可以到 Kevin 英文不難社團留言,我會盡量檢查。

問題(三)沒時間問 Nick,所以在這裡問你

What did you do yesterday?

You: I went to work. / I went to the gym. / I hung out with friends.

*hang out with someone 跟某人相處,的過去式不是 hanged out,是 hung out.


Imagine you had the day off yesterday. What would you have done if you hadn’t gone to work?

*day off 休假

這一句跟上面的 should have 很像,只不過是 would have

所以,回答的時候,一樣要用 would have 回答。

-if I didn’t have to work, I would have stayed home.

-if I didn’t have to work, I would have gone to the gym.


很多時候外國人講話快的時候,would have 會連成 would’ve

-if I didn’t have to work, I would’ve stayed home.


不要不小心說,If I didn’t had to work

英文同一個動詞組合裡,不會有兩個過去式,因此 I didn’t had 不符合文法,會是 I didn’t have to…




長期看 Netflix 英文聽力卻沒進步?小心被字幕害慘

看 Netflix 學英文,你真的有練到聽力嗎?