一早醒來頭痛、腰痠、胸悶,感覺昏昏欲睡,手摸額頭⋯ 慘了,好像發燒生病。雖然請假在家不錯,但要怎麼用英文寫信跟主管請假?
Hi John,
I have developed a fever last night. I thought it would go away by this morning, but my temperature levels are still above normal. I’m going to see a doctor today, and if my temperature goes back to normal, I’ll be back in the office tomorrow.
- 經痛 menstrual pains
I’ve been having menstrual pains all week and today was the worst, so I can’t come into the office today. - 牙痛 toothache
I have developed a terrible toothache, so I can’t come into the office today. I’ve scheduled a doctors appointment and will be back in the office by tomorrow. - 流感 the flu
I have the flu, so I can’t come into the office today. I’ve scheduled a doctors appointment and will be back in the office once I can. - 發生意外 had an accident
I had an accident, so I can’t come into the office today. I’ve scheduled a doctor’s appointment and will be back when I recover. - 手術 have surgery
I will be having surgery and will require at least three days of rest.
- 完全無法工作
because my temperature is quite high, I’m afraid I won’t be able to do any work. I am going to spend the day recovering. - 可能可以工作一點點
I’ve taken some medicine and will work if I am able to.
- I‘ve asked Henry to send me the meeting minutes.
四、可以幫你 cover 的同事
- I was scheduled to give a tour of the factory to our clients this afternoon, but I’ve asked Harris to help take over.

一、態度隨便。寫一句 I would therefore request you to please grant me sick leave. 聽起來像是命令口氣。
二、文法錯誤很多。I am not feeling well since last night. 既然是從昨天到現在,應該用現在完成式 have,代表從過去到現在。所以寫 I haven’t been feeling well since last night.