
But first I would like to say that I find it very interesting to meet Mr. Jobs. Arriving as he was out of the blue, and after making about three circles so that we were certain to notice that there was something in the air.


Arrive out of the blue – 突然出現、從天而降

(雙關玩笑,因為 Jobs 確實從天而降)

Making three circle 直升機繞了三圈

Something in the air 空氣中有種氛圍 *ABBA 的歌是 Fernando

And you can hear almost hear everybody saying there is something in the air tonight. 

Anyhow I feel somewhat, I felt somewhat like the Finnish Prime Minister Mr. Karjalainen when, when he was, he spoke very bad English too. And they had to pep him up heavily with language tuition before he was meeting Mr. Henry Kissinger arriving from the states. 


Pep 鼓勵

Tuition 教學

*但是,一般在美式英文看到 tuition 意思是「學費」

美國人會說 language lessons, language classes 不會說 language tuition

I don’t think it was in a helicopter but it was, it was in a big jumbo plane. Anyhow they taught Kissinger the essential phrases and these were “Welcome” “Nice weather” and lastly, “how are you” and Karjalainen, he learnt those words, and he was very happy. 


Jumbo 巨大

Damn it, now he comes, I know the language, and out steps Kissinger and Karjalainen steps forward to him and all his teachers are very worried. Will he do

it? Can he do it? Can he speak English?  

And he says welcome, oh well, and then he goes into the second phrase “nice weather” Nice weather and the third phase and who are you?

Amid growing security concerns, California National Guard troops were deployed throughout downtown Sacramento early Saturday to protect property and maintain safety during potentially violent protests expected through Inauguration Day on Wednesday.


Amid 在某某東西之中

Deployed 派遣




長期看 Netflix 英文聽力卻沒進步?小心被字幕害慘

看 Netflix 學英文,你真的有練到聽力嗎?