
我與 Umberto 的對話

  • Are you a student? 
  • Yes, I am. 
  • So, how long have you been here? 
  • Three months. 
  • Ok, oh, by the way, my friend will be coming to taiwan in a few weeks, and he is checking out the quarantine hotels. How long do you have to stay in quarantine? 
  • 14 days
  • And how was it?
  • oh, it was so bad, we had to eat box lunches for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, we couldn’t leave at all, and we stayed at a military base.
  • oh, a military base. Was the bed really small and uncomfortable, haha? 
  • Yes, the bed was very hard and small. 
  • Have you ever been in the military? 
  • No, I haven’t. 
  • Well, I was in the military. Most Taiwanese men… (進入軍隊話題,班長很兇,鄰兵很天…)

John 與 Anna 對話

  • Did you have breakfast?
  • Yes, I had some tea and I will continue to eat after the meeting.
  • Not beer?
  • haha, why?
  • I think Germans drink beer any time.
  • Oh LOL, in fact I’m French.
  • Cool, my honeymoon was went to Paris.
  • Wow, did you have a good memory?
  • Yes, I lost my iphone last day and lost all photos of honeymoon. Then my wife was cried for lost the photos, not my iphone.


“I think Germans drink beer any time”

*I think 意思是「我覺得」,表達「以為」一律用 thought

– I thought you finished washing the dishes.

– I thought you did the report.

– I thought you loved me!


“in fact I’m French”

想提供更多資訊,表達「喔,其實…」用 in fact

– Did you do the dishes? I did, in fact, I also mopped the floor.

– Did it rain yesterday? Yes, in fact it rained the entire week.


“Cool, my honeymoon was went to Paris.”

句型解釋:主詞 Honeymoon 不能去巴黎,應改為 “I” ,went 不需要被動 was,除非接受某個動作。 例,我被打 “I was hit”,去巴黎不是被動,I went to Paris 即可。最後,為了做某件事,用 for,所以 for my honeymoon。




一、我去日本出差:I went to Japan for a business trip.

二、我去歐洲開會:I went to Europe for a conference


“Yes, I lost my iPhone last day”

少 on the > on the last day 才正確


“Then my wife was cried”

這跟上面一樣,cry 不需被動,刪掉 was。

>>> Then my wife cried not because I lost my phone, but because we lost all the photos.



